Pediatric Endocrine Library
Contained below are links to pediatric endocrine scholarly materials. Review articles, practice guidelines, and key primary research materials are included in this “library”. Linked materials are the products of their authors and publishers, and link inclusion herein does not constitute endorsement other than for the purpose of study and review.
The library is hierarchical, organized by topics. Click on a topic to expand to subtopics, which are themselves clickable to expose nested sub-subtopics. The actual library materials are shown in yellow and include clickable links. Alternatively, you can click on the “expand-all” button to open the entire library simultaneously. Although this is not as tidy, it allows one to search (ctrl-f on most browsers) all the materials. “Collapse-all” will return the library to a tidy state.
- Central adrenal insufficiency
- Primary adrenal insufficiency
- Review: Primary adrenal insufficiency in childhood and adolescence. Zacharin (JPaediatrChildHealth 2004) pubmed doi
- Recommendations: Adrenal surveillance in adrenoleukodystrophy Regelmann (JCEM 2018) pubmed doi
- Practice Recommendations: International Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Patients With Adrenoleukodystrophy: A Consensus-Based Approach. Huffnagel (Neurology 2022) pmc pubmed doi
- Recommendations: Pre-hospital treatment of adrenal crisis Miller and Sarafoglou (JIMed 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Guideline: Primary adrenal insufficiency Bornstein PES (JCEM 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical review: Mortality from childhood adrenal insufficiency Shilman (Pediatrics 2007) pubmed doi
- Cases & Review: ACTH Resistance Syndrome; Triple A syndrom; adrenal insufficiency, alacrimia and achalasia. Khadgawat (IndianJEndocrinolMetab 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: DAX-1 (NR0B1) and steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1, NR5A1) in human disease. Achermann (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
- Journal Article,Practice Guideline: CAH due to steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency: Endocrine Society CPG. Speiser (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Steroidogensis and CAH Walt Miller (EurJEndo 2018) pubmed doi link
- Review: The Complexities of CAH Genotyping: 21-Hydroxylase. Macut (FrontEndocrinol(Lausanne) 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: 21-hydroxylase deficiency Merke / Auchus (NEJM 2020) pubmed doi link
- Reference Ranges: expected results for endocrine tests, including ACTH stimulation tests and various forms of CAH Esoterix (self published) link
- Review: Rare forms of CAH. Miller (EurJEndocrinol 2018) pubmed doi
- Review: CAH 11-hydroxylase deficiency. Falhammar (Endocrine 2016) pubmed doi
- Review: Testicular Adrenal Rest Tumors. Claahsen-vanderGrinten (EndocrRev 2019) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Prevalence and outcomes of testicular adrenal rest tumours in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Tiryaki (ClinEndocrinol(Oxf) 2013) pubmed doi
- Newborn Screening for CAH
- Non-Classic CAH
- Pseudohypoaldosteronism
- Case series: Phenotypes / genotypes of pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1. Dimitri (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2019) pubmed doi
- Case series: Clinical characteristics and treatment requirements of children with autosomal recessive pseudohypoaldosteronism. Shaw (EurJEndocrinol 2021) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1: clinical features and management in infancy. Mushtaq (EndocrinolDiabetesMetabCaseRep 2013) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Paediatric Cushing disease Savage (RevEndocrMetabDisord 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Guideline: Cushing disease. Biller (LancetDiabetesEndocrinol 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Guideline: Diagnosis of Cushing syndrome Nieman PES (JCEM 2008) pmc pubmed doi
- Guideline: Treatment of Cushing syndrome Nieman PES (JCEM 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Article: Recovery of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in youth after surgical cure of Cushing disease. Lodish (JCEM 2012) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Cushing Syndrome in Pediatrics. Stratakis (EndocrinolMetabClinNorthAm 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Hypocalcemia
- Review: Hypocalcemia emergencies in children Kim (AnnPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Framework for workup of refractory hypocalcemia in children. Humphrey (PediatrAnn 2019) pubmed doi
- Review: Perinatal calcium metabolism: physiology and pathophysiology. Levine (SeminNeonatol 2004) pubmed doi
- Hypercalcemia
- Review: Hypercalcemia in children and adolescents. Lietman and Michael Levine (CurrOpinPediatr 2010) pmc pubmed doi
- Case Reports and Review: Neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism. Sun (Medicine(Baltimore) 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Primary hyperparathyroidism in youth. Roizen and M Levine (JChinMedAssoc 2012) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia Lee (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: CASR: Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia (FHH) and Life Threatening Calcium Issues in Infancy. Grasemann (JClinMed 2022) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Hypercalcemia associated with infantile fibrosarcoma producing parathyroid hormone-related protein. Ozono (JClinEndocrinolMetab 1996) pubmed doi
- Review: Perinatal calcium metabolism: physiology and pathophysiology. Levine (SeminNeonatol 2004) pubmed doi
- Hypocalcemia
- Consensus Statement: Pseudohypoparathyroidism and Related Disorders. Linglart (HormResPaediatr 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Consensus Statement: Diagnosis and management of pseudohypoparathyroidism. Mantovani (NatRevEndocrinol 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Management of pseudohypoparathyroidism. Germain-Lee (CurrOpinPediatr 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Minireview: GNAS: normal and abnormal functions. Chen (Endocrinology 2004) pubmed doi
- Review: GNAS Spectrum of Disorders. Bastepe (CurrOsteoporosRep 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Endocrine manifestations of stimulatory G protein alpha-subunit mutations and the role of genomic imprinting. Liu (EndocrRev 2001) pubmed doi
- Vitamin D
- Rickets
- Clinical Review: Vit D dependent rickets Michael Levine (Frontiers Pediatrics 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Recommendations: Nutrition rickets: prevention and treatment Munns (JCEM 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets
- : Clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and management of X-linked hypophosphataemia. Linglart (NatRevNephrol 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Clinical guidelines for burosumab in the treatment of XLH in children and adolescents: British paediatric and adolescent bone group recommendations. Dharmaraj (EndocrConnect 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Osteopenia/Osteoporosis
- Review: A Contemporary View of the Definition and Diagnosis of Osteoporosis in Children and Adolescents. Ward (JCEM 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Consensus guidelines on bisphosphonate therapy in youth. Munns (JPaediatrChildHealth 2019) pubmed doi
- Clinical Review: Osteoporosis in cerebral palsy Ozel (Dev Med Child Neur 2016) pubmed doi
- Clinical Review: Hormonal Contraception and Bone Health in Adolescents Bachrach (Front in Endo 2020) doi link
- Bone densitometry
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Review: Osteogenesis imperfecta in children and adolescents-new developments in diagnosis and treatment. Rauch (OsteoporosInt 2016) pubmed doi
- Review: Management of Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Ralston (FrontEndocrinol 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Severe OI in infants
- observational trial: IV pamidronate for infants with severe osteogenesis imperfecta. Söderhäll (ArchDisChild 2006) pmc pubmed doi
- Systematic Review: Severe osteogenesis imperfecta Type-III and its challenging treatment. Serlo (Injury 2016) pubmed doi
- Case Series: Cyclic pamidronate for neonatal-onset osteogenesis imperfecta. Lee (PediatrNeonatol 2016) pubmed doi
- Clinical observation: Respiratory distress upon IV pamidronate in infants with severe osteogenesis imperfecta. Glorieux (Bone 2004) pubmed doi
- Hypophosphatasia
- Bisphosphonates
- Practice Guideline: Consensus guidelines on bisphosphonate therapy in youth. Munns (JPaediatrChildHealth 2019) pubmed doi
- Review: Osteogenesis imperfecta in children and adolescents-new developments in diagnosis and treatment. Rauch (OsteoporosInt 2016) pubmed doi
- Clinical review: Bisphosphonates in youth Bachrach (JCEM 2009) pubmed doi
- Renal disease
- Rickets
- Review: Management of Graves disease in children Rivkees (JEndoInvest 2016) pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: ATA Guidelines for Hyperthyroidism Ross (Thyroid 2016) pubmed doi
- Review: Thyroid storm in pediatrics: a systematic review. Pagan-Banchs (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2022) pubmed doi
- Review: Update on Pediatric Hyperthyroidism. Vaidyanathan (AdvPediatr 2022) pubmed doi
- Retrospective Study: Total Thyroidectomy versus Radioiodine on Hyperthyroidism and TSI Maiter (EurThyroidJ 2013) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical trial: Long term methimazole for Graves Aziz (Pediatrics 2019) pubmed doi
- Clinical trial: Control of Graves with very long-term methimazole. Amouzegar (BMCEndocrDisord 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Systematic Review: Safety of long-term antithyroid drug treatment? Malboosbaf (JEndocrinolInvest 2019) pubmed doi
- Guidelines: ATA guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism Sawka (Thyroid 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: The natural history of normal/mild elevated TSH in youth. . Loche (ClinEndocrinol(Oxf) 2012) pubmed doi
- Consensus Guideline: Congenital Hypothyroidism: Screening and Management. LaFranchi (Pediatrics 2023) pubmed doi
- Consensus Guideline: Congenital Hypothyroidism: A 2020-2021 Consensus Guidelines. vanTrotsenburg (Thyroid 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Cohort study: High-Dose levothyroxine achieves a normal IQ in severe congenital hypothyroidism. Krude (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pubmed doi
- Restrospective Study: Screening for congenital hypothyroidism in premature infants. Klein (JPerinatol 2016) pubmed doi
- Report: Congenital hypothyroidism: 2014 guidelines Leger, Eur Soc for Ped Endo (JCEM 2014) pmc pubmed doi
- Report: Congenital hypothyroidism: 2006 update Rose, Brown, ATA, AAP, PES (Pediatrics 2006) pubmed doi
- Guidelines: Thyroid nodule & differentiated thyroid cancer management in youth Francis and ATA (Thyroid 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Update: Medullary thyroid carcinoma in MEN2 Raue (JEndoSoc 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Revised guidelines: Management of medullary thyroid carcinoma Wells and ATA (Thyroid 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Ultrasound for Pediatric Thyroid Malignancy Milas (JUltrasoundMed 2018) pubmed doi
- Restrospective Case Review: Pediatric differentiated thyroid carcinoma: trends over 40 years. Lal (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2017) pubmed doi
- Review: Sonographic Evaluation of Pediatric Thyroid Nodules. Podberesky (Radiographics 2018) pubmed doi
- Book Chapter - Review: Impaired Sensitivity to Thyroid Hormone: Defects of Transport, Metabolism and Action Feingold (Endotext 2015) pubmed link
- Review: Defects of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis and Action. Hannoush (EndocrinolMetabClinNorthAm 2017) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Reduced sensitivity to thyroid hormone. Dumitrescu (BiochimBiophysActa 2013) pmc pubmed doi
- Case Report: Thyroid hormone receptor alpha gene mutation Bochukova (NEnglJMed 2012) pubmed doi
- EXTERNAL INFLUENCES ON THYROID FUNCTION: impact of meds, illness, obesity, etc
- Journal Article: Thyroid function and structure are affected in childhood obesity. Radetti (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2008) pubmed doi
- Review: Hypothyroidism and obesity: An intriguing link. Raychaudhuri (IndianJEndocrinolMetab 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Thyroid function and obesity. Karmisholt (EurThyroidJ 2012) pmc pubmed doi
- THYROID FUNCTION TESTS: interferences and pitfalls
- Review: Pitfalls of thyroid function tests. Gurnell (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2014) pmc pubmed doi
- clinical trial: Biotin Interference of Thyroid Tests. Wartofsky (Thyroid 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Familial dysalbuminemic hyperthyroxinemia: a syndrome that can be confused with thyrotoxicosis. Ingbar (NEnglJMed 1982) pubmed doi
- Review: Thyroid Sequelae of Pediatric Cancer Therapy. Waguespack (HormResPaediatr 2018) pubmed doi
- Diabetes Insipidus
- Review: Central diabetes insipidus in youth. Patti (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2020) pubmed doi
- Review: Diabetes insipidus in infants and children. Dabrowski (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2016) pubmed doi
- Review: Diabetes insipidus in children. Jain (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2016) pubmed doi
- Review: Central diabetes insipidus in infancy: desmopressin, low renal solute load formula, thiazide diuretics. Wilson (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2007) pubmed doi
- Diabetes Insipidus
- Practice Guideline: International Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Hyperinsulinism. Thornton (HormResPaediatr 2024) pmc pubmed doi
- Recommendations: Evaluation and Management of Persistent Hypoglycemia in Newborns and Youth Thornton, Stanley, Wolfsdorf, et al and PES (JPeds 2015) pubmed doi
- Commentary: The need to evaluate hypoglycemia in newborns older than 1-2 days Stanley (JPeds 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia Drachmann (OrphanetJRareDis 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Biomarkers of Insulin for the Diagnosis of Pediatric Hyperinsulinemic Hypoglycemia. Kelly (JPediatr 2016) pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Diazoxide in Infants and Children with Hyperinsulinism. Thornton (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2020) pubmed doi
- Retrospective study: Prevalence of Adverse Events in Children With Congenital Hyperinsulinism Treated With Diazoxide. DeLeon (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Pulmonary Hypertension from Diazoxide: Case Series and Lit Review. Percival (PediatrCardiol 2017) pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: Spontaneous hypoglycemia accompanied by paradoxically low growth hormone and appropriate cortisol responses. Aynsley-Green (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2003) pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: Poor specificity of low growth hormone and cortisol levels during fasting hypoglycemia. Stanley (Pediatrics 2008) pubmed doi
- DSD (Differences of Sex Development)
- Consensus statement: DSD consensus statement PES and others (Pediatrics 2006) pubmed doi
- Guideline handbook: DSD guidelines Accord Alliance / Consortium on DSD (self published 2006) link
- Review: Management of 46XY DSD Wisniewski (EndocrRev 2019) pubmed doi
- Review: AMH usefulness in DSD workup Rey (FrontEndocrinol(Lausanne) 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Mini-puberty of infancy
- The typical mini-puberty of infancy is biphasic.
- Journal Article: Mini puberty and its interpretation - 1st phase peaks at ~2-3 weeks in male, a few days earlier in female infants Kurtoğlu (TurkPediatriArs 2014) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Second phase peaks at 2-5 months. Johannsen (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pubmed doi
- Androgen insensitivity
- Undescended testes
- Malignancy risk in DSD
- Review: Malignant Testicular Germ Cell Tumors in Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. Looijenga (SexDev 2017) pubmed doi
- Review: Tumor risk in disorders of sex development (DSD). Wolffenbuttel (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2007) pubmed doi
- Review: Tumor risk in disorders of sex development. Looijenga (SexDev 2010) pubmed doi
- Review: Hemoglobin A1c: pitfalls. Radin (JGenInternMed 2014) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Lack of Association of A1C With Postoperative Complications in Children With Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. Baijal (ClinDiabetes 2024) pmc pubmed doi
- Note: the ADA updates these at the start of each year. I may not always update the links.
- Journal Article: Summary of Revisions: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2024. Gabbay (DiabetesCare 2024) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: 14. Children and Adolescents: Standards of Care in Diabetes-2024. Gabbay (DiabetesCare 2024) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: ISPAD clinical practice consensus guidelines 2022: Diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state. Glaser (PediatrDiabetes 2022) pubmed doi
- Review: Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state. Umpierrez (DiabetesCare 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: Risk factors for cerebral edema in children with DKA. Glaser (NEnglJMed 2001) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Cerebral edema in childhood DKA: natural history, radiographic findings, and early identification. Rosenbloom (DiabetesCare 2004) pubmed doi
- Case Report: DKA and pediatric stroke. Mah (CMAJ 2005) pmc pubmed doi
- Position statement: PES position on DKA treatment in youth PES (Pediatrics 2004) pubmed doi
- Consensus statement: ADA consensus on DKA treatment in youth Wolfsdorf (Diabetes Care 2006) pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: ISPAD guideline on DKA and hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state 2018. Codner (PediatrDiabetes 2018) pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: ISPAD guideline DKA and hyperosmolar state 2014. Wolfsdorf (PediatrDiabetes 2015) pubmed doi
- Review: Type 1 diabetes. Michels (Lancet 2014) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical study: Seroconversion to multiple islet autoantibodies and risk of progression to diabetes in children. Eisenbarth (JAMA 2013) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Pancreas pathology in type 1 diabetes Pugliese (JEndocrinol 2021) pubmed doi
- Review: Pancreatic islet pathology in human type 1 diabetes. Richardson (Diabetologia 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Type 1 diabetes mellitus: much progress, many opportunities Powers (JCI 2021) pmc pubmed doi link
- Position and review: Insulin pump in very young children Eugster, PES (Pediatrics 2006) pubmed doi
- Clinical Review: Nonacidotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome in youth Zeitler (JPeds 2011) pubmed doi
- Position statement: Use of hemoglobin A1c to diagnose type 2 diabetes in youth Kapadia, Zeitler, PES (IntJPedEndo 2012) pmc pubmed doi
- Consensus Guidelines: ISPAD 2022: Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents. Craig (PediatrDiabetes 2022) pubmed doi
- Research Article: Long-Term Complications in Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes. Silverstein (NEnglJMed 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Randomized Trial: Dapagliflozin or Saxagliptin in Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes. Tamborlane (NEJM-Evid 2024) pubmed doi
- Neonatal Diabetes
- Review: Monogenic diabetes. Pollin (JClinInvest 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical research: Activating mutations in the ABCC8 gene in neonatal diabetes mellitus. Froguel (NEnglJMed 2006) pubmed doi
- Clinical research: Switching from insulin to oral sulfonylureas in patients with diabetes due to Kir6.2 mutations. Hattersley (NEnglJMed 2006) pubmed doi
- Research Article: YIPF5 mutations newly identified to cause neonatal diabetes, microcephaly and seizures DeFranco (JClinInvest 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes
- Guideline: Cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD) Moran (Ped Diab 2018) pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: HbA1c in Cystic fibrosis related diabetes Chan (Diab Care 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Infants and Young Children with Cystic Fibrosis. Larson Ode (AmJRespirCritCareMed 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: Extreme stress hyperglycemia during acute illness in a pediatric emergency department. Agus (PediatrEmergCare 2011) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical Study: Distinction between transient hyperglycemia and early insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in childhood: a prospective study of incidence and prognostic factors. Eisenbarth (JPediatr 1993) pubmed doi
- Clinical Trial: Comparison of detection of normal puberty in girls by a hormonal sleep test and a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist test. Rosenfield (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2013) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Genetics of central precocious puberty. Kaiser (EurJEndocrinol 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Prepubertal gynecomastia linked to lavender and tea tree oils. Bloch (NEnglJMed 2007) pubmed doi
- GnRH agonists as therapy
- Consensus Review: Use of GnRH analogs in children. Carel (Pediatrics 2009) pubmed doi
- Statement: GnRH agonists and prolonged QT PES (PES statement) link
- Review: Use of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogs in Children: Update by an International Consortium. Krishna (HormResPaediatr 2019) pubmed doi
- Expert Opinion: ACOG: primary ovarian insufficiency in adolescents and young women. (ObstetGynecol 2014) pubmed doi
- Review: Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) to Assess Gondal Status in Peds. Eldar-Geva (PediatrEndocrinolRev 2018) pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Pubertal induction and adult transition in hypogonadism. Dekkers (EurJEndocrinol 2022) pmc pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Warren (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2017) pubmed doi
- Review: The female athlete triad Misra (CurrOpinEndocrinolDiabetesObes 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Treatment strategies for the female athlete triad in adolescents. Hammer (OpenAccessJSportsMed 2017) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: The female athlete triad. Ackerman (SportsHealth 2012) pmc pubmed doi
- Consortium Update: PCOS in youth Ibáñez (HormResPaediatr 2017) pubmed doi
- Randomized Controlled Trial: Role of the combination spironolactone-norgestimate-estrogen in Hirsute women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Weiss (JReprodMed 2014) pubmed
- Review: Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin in Children and Adolescents. Winters (JClinResPediatrEndocrinol 2017) pmc pubmed doi
- MINIPUBERTY OF INFANCY (including in preemies)
- Cross Sectional Study: Sex Differences During Mini-Puberty in Infants With Normal and Disordered Sex Development. Juul (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: LH and FSH in extreme prematurity: development of reference intervals. Greaves (Pediatrics 2008) pubmed doi
- Review: Mini puberty and its interpretation. Baştuğ (TurkPediatriArs 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- MEN 1
- MEN 2 and familial medullary carcinoma
- Case series: Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2B Presents Early in Childhood but Often Is Undiagnosed for Years. Lodish (JPediatr 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Case series: Pheochromocytoma in MEN2B Makri (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Update: Medullary thyroid carcinoma in MEN2 Raue (JEndoSoc 2018) pmc pubmed doi
- Revised guidelines: Management of medullary thyroid carcinoma Wells and ATA (Thyroid 2015) pmc pubmed doi
- Pheochromocytoma and Paragangliomas
- Review: Biochemical Diagnosis of Catecholamine-Producing Tumors of Childhood: Neuroblastoma, Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma. Huebner (FrontEndocrinol(Lausanne) 2022) pmc pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma: endocrine society clinical practice guideline. Young (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2014) pubmed doi
- Neurofibromatosis
- Review: Endocrine implications of neurofibromatosis 1 in childhood. Bottaro (HormResPaediatr 2016) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Growth hormone excess in children with neurofibromatosis type-1 and optic glioma. Cambiaso (AmJMedGenetA 2017) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Growth hormone excess in children with neurofibromatosis type 1-associated and sporadic optic pathway tumors. Josefson (JPediatr 2011) pubmed doi
- Carney-Stratakis Syndrome
- Short stature
- Growth hormone therapy
- Position paper: GH safety workshop position paper. Allen (EurJEndocrinol 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Guidelines: AACE Guidelines for Management of Growth Hormone Deficiency Transition of Care to Adult Yuen/Hoffman (EndocrPract 2019) pubmed doi
- Guideline: Growth Hormone and IGF-I Treatment in Youth Grimberg and PES (HormResPaediatr 2016) pubmed doi
- Editorial: Growth hormone and neoplasia Sperling and PES (JCEM 2002) pubmed doi
- Review: Treatment of growth hormone deficiency in children, adolescents and at the transitional age. Rogol (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2017) pubmed doi
- Review: Headache, idiopathic intracranial hypertension and slipped capital femoral epiphysis during growth hormone treatment: a safety update from the KIGS database. Wilton (HormRes 2008) pubmed doi
- Idiopathic short stature
- SHOX insufficiency
- Glucocorticoid suppressed growth
- Aggrecan-deficiency
- Clinical trial: Treatment of Short Stature in Aggrecan-deficient Patients With Recombinant Human Growth Hormone: 1-Year Response. Backeljauw (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2021) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Clinical phenotype and musculoskeletal characteristics of patients with aggrecan deficiency. Alexandrou (AmJMedGenetA 2022) pubmed doi
- Hypochondroplasia
- Opinion: Cost-conscious growth-promoting treatment Allen (HormResPaediatr 2018) pubmed doi
- Perspective: Short Stature in Children: A Growth Hormone Research Society International Perspective. Collett-Solberg (HormResPaediatr 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Adult height prediction by bone age in isolated growth hormone deficiency. Camacho-Hubner (EndocrConnect 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Use of aromatase inhibitors in youth Shulman and PES (Pediatrics 2008) pubmed doi
- Randomized Controlled Trial: Aromatase Inhibitors versus Growth Hormone or Combo in Pubertal Boys with Idiopathic, Short Stature. Mauras (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Consensus: Silver-Russell syndrome. Wakeling (NatRevEndocrinol 2017) pubmed doi
- Review: Silver-Russell Syndrome: GeneReview Netchine (NCBI Books) pubmed link
- Review: Growth hormone secretion tests in obese subjects. Popovic (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2013) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Growth hormone secretion and growth in children with psychosocial short stature and change in environment. Stanhope (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2004) pubmed doi
- Review: IGF I and its binding proteins in health and disease. Juul (GrowthHormIGFRes 2003) pubmed doi
- Review: Growth in Puberty: GH, GnRHa, and Aromatase Inhibitors. Mauras (EndocrRev 2022) pubmed doi
- Growth hormone therapy
- Review: Overgrowth syndromes - clinical and molecular aspects and tumour risk. Brioude (NatRevEndocrinol 2019) pubmed doi
- Review: Overgrowth Syndromes—Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Management Manor (Front Ped 2020) doi
- Review: Sotos syndrome. Rahman (EurJHumGenet 2006) pubmed doi
- : Clinical and genetic characterization of pituitary gigantism: an international collaborative study in 208 patients. Beckers (EndocrRelatCancer 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Short stature
- Note: Diagnosis, treatment, and other considerations for specific pituitary hormone disease are found under their respective sections in this library.
- congentital hypopituitarism
- Review: Developmental disorders of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland associated with congenital hypopituitarism. Dattani (BestPractResClinEndocrinolMetab 2008) pubmed doi
- Case Series: Onset of pituitary hormone deficiencies in optic nerve hypoplasia. Tebben (JPediatrEndocrinolMetab 2019) pubmed doi
- hypophysitis
- Rathke's cleft cyst
- congentital hypopituitarism
- Review: Endocrine care in Klinefelter syndrome Lizarazo (CurOpinEndoDiabObes 2019) pubmed doi
- Viewpoint: Klinefelter disclosure to child Tremblay (Acta Paed 2016) pubmed doi
- Review: Klinefelter syndrome: genetics, neuropsychology, and endocrinology. Skakkebæk (EndocrRev 2018) pubmed doi
- Review: Minipuberty in Klinefelter syndrome, current evidence. Testosterone? Juul (AmJMedGenetCSeminMedGenet 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Consensus statement on diagnosis and clinical management of Klinefelter syndrome. Lenzi (JEndocrinolInvest 2011) pubmed doi
- Review: Testicular function and fertility in men with Klinefelter syndrome: a review. Juul (EurJEndocrinol 2013) pubmed doi
- Clinical study: Age and markers of Leydig cell function, but not of Sertoli cell function predict the success of sperm retrieval in adolescents and adults with Klinefelter syndrome. Kliesch (Andrology 2016) pubmed doi
- Prospective cohort study: Growth hormone treatment in very young children with Prader-Willi syndrome Donze (JCEM 2018) pubmed doi
- Review: Endocrine care in Prader-Willi syndrome Heksch (2017) pmc pubmed doi
- Review: Prader-Willi syndrome: clinical, genetic, endocrine. Cataletto (JEndocrinolInvest 2016) pmc pubmed doi
- Multicenter Study: Autoimmune and non-autoimmune subclinical hypothyroidism in Down syndrome. Pepe (EurJEndocrinol 2020) pubmed doi
- Journal Article: Early-onset autoimmunity in diabetes in Down syndrome. Aitken (DiabetesCare 2013) pmc pubmed doi
- Comment,Journal Article,Review: How often should we screen children with Down syndrome for hypothyroidism? VanVliet (ArchDisChild 2005) pmc pubmed doi
- 22q
- Practice Guideline: Hypothalamic-Pituitary and Growth Disorders in Survivors of Childhood Cancer: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. Sklar (JClinEndocrinolMetab 2018) pubmed doi
- Review: Endocrine Late Effects in Childhood Cancer Survivors. Sklar (JClinOncol 2018) pubmed doi
- Review: Late endocrine effects after treatment of childhood cancer NIH (Self published) link
- Guidelines: Long term follow up after childhood cancer Childrens oncology group (Self published, 2018) link
- Clinical Trial: Adrenal function following acute discontinuation of glucocorticoids in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia Ahmad (PediatrHematolOncol 2019) pubmed doi
- Review: Thyroid Sequelae of Pediatric Cancer Therapy. Waguespack (HormResPaediatr 2018) pubmed doi
- Guideline review: Endocrine management of menstruation in adolescents with developmental delay PES (Self published 2004) link
- Guideline: Practice Guideline: Pediatric Obesity. Hampl (Pediatrics 2023) pubmed doi
- Consensus Review: Childhood obesity. Speiser (JCEM 2005) pubmed doi
- Guideline Review: Pediatric obesity August and EndoSociety (JCEM 2008) pmc pubmed doi
- Guideline: ASMBS pediatric bariatric surgery guidelines. Zitsman (SurgObesRelatDis 2019) pmc pubmed doi
- Clinical study: Obesity-Associated GNAS Mutations and the Melanocortin Pathway Farooqi (NEnglJMed 2021) pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Expert panel on cardiovascular risk reduction in youth NIH/NHLBI (Pediatrics 2011) pmc pubmed doi
- Practice Guideline: Drug therapy of high-risk lipid abnormalities in youth McCrindle and AHA (Circulation 2007) pubmed doi
- Statement: Genetic testing in dyslipidemia: statement from the National Lipid Association. Brown (JClinLipidol 2020) pubmed doi
- Review: Lipid management in children. Gidding (EndocrinolMetabClinNorthAm 2009) pubmed doi
- Review: Dyslipidemia and pediatric obesity. Kavey (PediatrClinNorthAm 2012) pmc pubmed doi
- Observational trial: T1D and COVID-19: increased risk of DKA Ebekozien (DiabetesCare June 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Population study: Diabetes associated with increased COVID-19, but maybe not in those with T1D under age 65. Cariou (Diabetologia May 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Population study: Diabetes increases risk of COVID mortality odds-ratio~2.9 for T1D and ~1.8 for T1D. However odd-ratio~0.01 for all diabetes types under age 50. UK NHS May 2020 (Self published preprint) link
- Population study: Among those with diabetes, COVID mortality increased when HbA1c over 10% by 2.2 fold in T1D and 1.6 fold in T2D, compared to HbA1c 6.5-7% UK NHS May 2020 (Self published preprint) link
- Statement: Relays anecdotal evidence that increased COVID risk not seen in youth with T1D International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (Self published March 2020) link
- Observational trial: Glycemic control was surprisingly better during Italian COVID lockdown (adult T1D data) Capaldo (DiabetesCare 2020) pmc pubmed doi
- Letter: No Evidence of Increased Hospitalization Rate for COVID-19 in Community-Dwelling Patients With Type 1 Diabetes. Vangoitsenhoven (DiabetesCare 2020) pubmed doi