We are extremely proud of Dr. Alex Tuttle. For the past 3 years, Dr. Tuttle has been a pediatric endocrinology fellow in our program. Today he finishes this training and will officially become a “board eligible” pediatric endocrinologist. During these past three years, Dr. Tuttle has been an exemplary fellow, delivering excellent clinical care and demonstrating exceptional clinical teaching. His contributions include being an enthusiastic volunteer at Diabetes Camp. While a fellow, he created a new approach and platform to teach pediatric physicians how to manage diabetes in hospitalized patients. Earlier this year, he presented this work at the International Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology. He will be missed by his patients, who admired his kind and thoughtful demeanor. We too will miss Dr. Tuttle, as he has accepted a faculty position at a another major midwest academic children’s hospital where he will also continue his clinical work in pediatric endocrinology and also work on advancing physician education as well. Congratulations Dr. Tuttle!