Altered Fat-Burning in Infants with Congenital Disorders

Dr. Catherina Pinnaro

Almost immediately after birth, we begin burning fat for energy and warmth. Recently, members of our division studied whether this process is altered in infants with congenital disorders. The study focused on two specific disorders: congenital hypothyroidism and cystic fibrosis. The peer-reviewed study is now available online (PubMed link). The results indicate that infants with these disorders burn less fat than normal. Surprisingly, however, these infants burned relatively more of a specific fatty acid—linoleic acid. One possible explanation for this finding relates to higher levels of inflammation in these infants. This finding is particularly important for cystic fibrosis, as it may help explain why this condition often causes lifelong linoleic acid deficiency. The manuscript’s lead author is Dr. Pinnaro from our division, with Dr. Norris serving as the senior author.

Loss of CFTR from Pancreatic Ductal Cells Unlocks the Potential to Form New Endocrine Cells

Dr. Norris

Several years ago, researchers at the University of Iowa discovered that the balance between endocrine and exocrine cells in the pancreas is impacted by cystic fibrosis. The distribution of cell types in pancreases affected by cystic fibrosis suggested the emergence of a dynamic regenerative process. To better understand this possibility, the researchers teamed up with experts at the University of Colorado. The results of this collaborative work are now published in the journal iScience (PubMed link).

Cystic fibrosis is caused by the loss of CFTR function. The published work shows that when all CFTR function is lost from certain pancreatic ductal cells, these cells begin to express a protein named PDX1. This is important because PDX1 drives the development of several different components of the pancreas during organ formation. Indeed, the pancreatic ductal cells that expressed PDX1 exhibited the potential to produce several cell types, including pancreatic endocrine cells. Consistent with this, the researchers identified the presence of insulin-expressing cells within the ductal epithelium of pancreases affected by cystic fibrosis.

These findings enhance our understanding of the cellular formation of ductal versus endocrine cells in the injured pancreas and could be beneficial for future attempts at pancreatic endocrine and/or exocrine regeneration. Dr. Norris from our division was involved in the research.

The Influence of X Depends on Which Parent It Comes From

Dr. Catherina Pinnaro

Nope, the newest research results from Dr. Pinnaro are not related to a social media platform formerly represented by a blue bird. Rather, her latest research publication deals with the X-chromosome and how it modifies the risk a person has to develop diabetes. Specifically, the new results show that persons with Turner syndrome who inherited just a single X-chromosome have a higher risk of elevated blood sugar levels if that X-chromosome came from their mother compared to if it came from their father. The manuscript describing the results has been accepted for publication in the journal Hormone Research in Paediatrics (link to article on PubMed). The results may have implications for diabetes in the general population, as males necessarily inherit their X from their mother and for females the impact of risk differences between their two X chromosomes could be influenced by which parent each came from. Dr. Norris from our division also contributed to the manuscript.

More Accurate Conversion of Average Blood Glucose to Hemoglobin A1c

Dr. Norris

What is Hemoglobin A1c? Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) is a blood test that measures the amount of glucose that is attached to a persons hemoglobin — the oxygen carrying protein found in red blood cells. The higher a person’s blood sugar, the more glucose that becomes attached. Because red blood cells last about 90 days, the HbA1c value reflects a person’s average blood glucose over the past 3 months. A HbA1c value over 6.4% indicates that a person has diabetes. For persons with diabetes, higher blood glucoses increase the risk of long term complications. Higher HbA1c levels are associated with increased rates of complications including diabetic eye disease, kidney disease, and neuropathy. For this reason, the American Diabetes Association recommends that most persons with diabetes have a goal of maintaining their HbA1c at less than 7%.

What is average blood glucose? In the past, HbA1c was the only widely available method to assess a person’s recent average blood glucose levels. Fortunately, technological advances over the past decades have enabled frequent testing of blood glucose using portable meters and even more powerfully using continuous glucose monitors (CGMs). CGMs are wearable devices that measure a persons approximate blood glucose every few minutes. Modern glucose meters and CGMs can report a user’s recent average blood glucoses.

Converting between average blood glucose and HbA1c A common question asked by persons with diabetes is what HbA1c is predicted by their recent average blood glucose. There are multiple online conversion calculators that address this question, allowing the user to enter an average glucose for which a predicted HbA1c is returned. However, two scientists at the University of Iowa recently identified and reported a small mathematical error in the equations commonly used by online calculators to predict HbA1c from recent average blood glucose. As a result, the erroneous online calculators do not provide optimal predictions. The two scientists were Dr. Joseph Lang from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science and Dr. Andrew Norris from our Division. The two then derived new equations that correct the error. Their findings and new equations have been peer reviewed and now are published as a letter in the prominent journal Diabetes Care (link to article).  Dr Norris would like to thank Dr Lang for uncovering the error and devising the approach for its correction. The hope is that the improved equations will be adopted by online calculators. In the meantime, on a positive note, many continuous glucose monitors report an estimated HbA1c that is termed “GMI” (“glucose management indicator”) and the equations used for GMI are typically correct. Drs. Norris and Lang’s letter also comments on a recently published perspective that highlights ongoing issues in the interconversion of recent average blood glucose to HbA1c. It is important to understand that neither HbA1c nor meter/monitor derived average blood glucose are perfectly accurate. Unsurprisingly, interconversions between these two measurements often do not agree. The revised equations of Dr Lang and Dr Norris will help the situation to some degree but perfect agreement is not possible in real life. Additional data and understanding of the variances that impact the relationship between these two measurements are needed.

A Newly Identified Mechanism of Obesity-Induced Pituitary Dysfunction Contributes to Metabolic Dysfunction Associated Fatty Liver Disease

Dr. Norris

Obesity impairs various aspects of pituitary function. Perturbations in the thyroid, growth hormone, gonadal, and adrenal axes are well documented. However, the mechanisms involved are not well understood. Furthermore, it is possible that the pituitary dysfunction induced by obesity might contribute to the medical complications of obesity. Dr. Norris, from our division, recently assisted with new research that begins to address these knowledge gaps. The investigators found that obesity in mice impaired the ability of pituitary cells to activate their cellular unfolded protein response (UPR). The UPR is a mechanism that helps protect cells against various stressors. Importantly, when the UPR was disrupted in pituitary cells by genetic manipulation, pituitary dysfunction similar to that in obesity resulted, especially in the thyroid axis. Furthermore, primary genetic UPR disruption in the pituitary resulted in UPR disruption in the liver in a manner that could contribute to fatty liver disease. The work will be published in Cell Metabolism and its abstract is available on PubMed (link). The work was conducted in the lab of Dr. Ling Yang in the F.O.E. Diabetes Research Center at the University of Iowa.

Screening for Diabetes in Persons with Turner Syndrome

Persons with Turner syndrome are at higher risk than normal to develop diabetes. It would be ideal to screen for diabetes to allow treatment early in the disease process. The natural history of diabetes in persons with Turner syndrome is not well understood. Likewise, the optimal screening approach is not known. To help address this knowledge gap, Dr. Pinnaro from our division led a team that compared results between multiple types of screening tests for diabetes assessed concurrently in persons with Turner syndrome. The screening tests compared were fasting plasma glucose, oral glucose tolerance test, and hemoglobin A1c. The results showed only partial concordance between the different tests. Interpreted conservatively, the data suggest that various hemoglobin A1c thresholds could be used to indicate need for closer evaluation for diabetes. The results are published in the journal Hormone Research in Paediatrics as an article entitled “Screening for Turner syndrome-associated hyperglycemia: Evaluating hemoglobin A1c and fasting blood glucose”. Study authors from our division were Drs. Pinnaro, Parra Villasmil, and Norris. The article’s Pubmed abstract can be found at this link.

Opposing Impacts of Sirtuin1 on Muscle Insulin Sensitivity

Dr. Norris

Sirtuin1 is a protein that is essential for health. Insulin resistance results when sirtuin1 is lost from skeletal muscle. A team at the University of Iowa led by Drs. Kaiko Irani and Qiuxia Li investigated the impact of sirtuin1 in the vasculature. To accomplish this they knocked out sirtuin1 from the cells that line the inside of blood vessels. As expected, the resulting blood vessels were dysfunctional. Typically, skeletal muscle will become insulin resistant when blood vessels are dysfunctional . However, in this case, the skeletal muscles of the mice lacking blood vessel sirtuin1 were unexpectedly more sensitive to insulin. Importantly, to understand this surprising finding the investigative team identified the mechanism that increases muscle insulin sensitivity. Specifically, the loss of sirtuin1 caused the blood vessel cells to secrete thymosin beta-4, an enhancer of insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle. These findings highlight the complex actions of sirtuin1 on insulin sensitivity. The publication resulting from the work is entitled “Deficiency of endothelial sirtuin1 in mice stimulates skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity by modifying the secretome”, is published in the journal Nature Communications, and can be found at this link. Dr. Norris from our division is a co-author on the manuscript and contributed to the work by helping direct the studies measuring muscle insulin sensitivity.

Normal SARS-CoV-2 Immunity in Children with Type 1 Diabetes, Including after Vaccination

Persons with diabetes can have weakened immune systems that are unable to fight off infections. Vaccination response depends on the immune system creating protective immunity after exposure to an antigen. Indeed, under some circumstances persons with diabetes fail to develop immunity after vaccination. Most data to date however have focused on adults. In particular, no studies have examined the response of children with diabetes to COVID vaccination. In a collaboration between the Microbiology Department, our Division set out to address this knowledge gap. Both antibody levels and cellular immunity against the COVID virus were compared between children with and without type 1 diabetes. The levels were also compared between the children that had versus had-not received COVID booster vaccination. Importantly, the children with diabetes exhibited normal levels of immunity that matched those of children without diabetes. This result shows that children with diabetes have normal immune responses, at least as regards protection against COVID, including before and after booster vaccination. Surprisingly, COVID booster vaccination did not statistically raise immunity against the Omicron COVID variant in either group of children. One possible reason for this may have been that the children groups appeared to already have a degree of immunity against Omicron even without booster vaccination, though the study was not designed to properly address this possibility. By contrast, adults were also studied and experienced a robust enhancement of immunity in response to booster vaccination. Members of our Division who helped create and conduct the study were Drs. Pinnaro, Tansey, and Norris, as well as research manager Shannon Christensen. The publication can be found at this Pubmed link. The authors wish to thank the children and families who volunteered for the study.

New Supplement to Diabetes Research Training Grant

Dr. Norris

Since 2017, the F.O.E. Diabetes Research Center has maintained a NIH supported Diabetes Research Training Program for postdoctoral scholars. The purpose of this Program is mentor and train the next generation of investigators who will devise better approaches to prevent, treat, and ultimately reverse diabetes. The Training Program is led by Dr. Norris from our Division. The Program supports up to 6 concurrent postdoctoral trainees. This spring, the Program had an unprecedented number of outstanding applicants. To better support training under these circumstances, Dr. Norris partnered with Dr. Bertha Martín, one of the applicants, and her mentor Dr. Jon Resch to create a grant supplement application. This application has now been funded, as NIH grant 3T32DK112751-07S1. We look forward to Dr. Martín’s research development.

Setting Research Priorities to Better Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes

Potent medications have recently been developed to treat cystic fibrosis. These new therapies dramatically improve lung disease for those with cystic fibrosis. Persons with cystic fibrosis often develop a unique form of diabetes termed cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD). It is not yet clear how the new therapies will impact the propensity of persons with cystic fibrosis to develop CFRD. A group of researchers, clinical experts, and patients/families were assembled by the NIH and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to discuss research priorities to better understand treat and prevent CFRD. This group convened in June of 2021 at a workshop open to the public. This group has now written and published a summary describing their collective thoughts on research priorities priorities CFRD, Their writings appear this month in the two journals Diabetes and Diabetes Care. Contributing to the article were two physicians from our division: Dr. Norris and Dr. Larson Ode, with Dr. Norris serving as one of the lead authors of the work. The publication can be found at the following Pubmed link.