Today we are thrilled to announce that Dr. Kyle Baum has joined our division as a new pediatric endocrine fellow. He will serve three years in this role, after which he will be a full fledged board eligible pediatric endocrinologist. Dr. Baum received his Osteopathic Doctorate degree from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine having completed undergraduate studies at Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas. He just completed a three-year pediatric residency at the Sanford School of Medicine, University of South Dakota. While a resident he demonstrated an outstanding aptitude for and interest in pediatric endocrinology. In his spare time, he volunteered at Camp Gilbert for children with diabetes. His scholarly work was recently recognized by the Pediatric Endocrine Society, who awarded his abstract with a prestigious Presidential Poster that was presented in May at their national meeting. A warm welcome to Dr. Baum!!