Dr. Norris Dr. Larson Ode
Potent medications have recently been developed to treat cystic fibrosis. These new therapies dramatically improve lung disease for those with cystic fibrosis. Persons with cystic fibrosis often develop a unique form of diabetes termed cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD). It is not yet clear how the new therapies will impact the propensity of persons with cystic fibrosis to develop CFRD. A group of researchers, clinical experts, and patients/families were assembled by the NIH and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to discuss research priorities to better understand treat and prevent CFRD. This group convened in June of 2021 at a workshop open to the public. This group has now written and published a summary describing their collective thoughts on research priorities priorities CFRD, Their writings appear this month in the two journals Diabetes and Diabetes Care. Contributing to the article were two physicians from our division: Dr. Norris and Dr. Larson Ode, with Dr. Norris serving as one of the lead authors of the work. The publication can be found at the following Pubmed link.