Cystic fibrosis (CF) increases the risk of several endocrine complications, especially diabetes and bone weakening. The causes and treatments of these conditions are somewhat unique in CF, with some differences from the treatment of diabetes and weak bones in the general population. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) has recognized the need to train and mentor endocrine physicians to provide endocrine care for persons with CF. To help meet this need, the CFF has identified and supported nationally recognized mentor endocrinology physicians with CF-expertise. One of these leaders is Dr. Katie Larson Ode from our division. In recognition of her expertise and outstanding mentoring, the CFF has just renewed her role in this national effort with a grant entitled “EnVision CF III: Emerging Leaders in CF Endocrinology Chair”. Additionally, the CFF has awarded an ongoing research grant to Dr. Larson Ode, entitled “SPECTRUM and CF Endocrine and Diabetes DAta Repository (CEDAR)”. Congratulations to Dr. Larson Ode on these accomplishments and thanks to her for her efforts to help support the health of those with CF.