Almost 10 years ago, investigators from our Division determined that young kids with cystic fibrosis (CF), less than 5 years of age, often have high blood sugars in response to a standardized sugary drink. However, the long term importance of these findings is unknown. Furthermore, we don’t know if this issue occurs when young kids are eating their usual foods and drink. To address this shortcoming, Dr. Katie Larson Ode of our Division, has partnered with other researchers across the country to create a study using wearable continuous glucose monitors. In one part of the study, they are using these monitors to determine what blood sugars do in young kids with CF in their usual environment (home, school, etc). However, so little is known about what blood sugars do in healthy young kids that it is difficult to know exactly what is normal. To address this, Dr. Larson Ode and her research partners will also study young, healthy kids. Dr. Larson Ode has just received grant funding to conduct the study, entitled “BEGIN Substudy: Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Healthy Children“. We thank Dr. Larson Ode and her research volunteers for their work to help advance knowledge.